Experts Shine a Light On Changes Needed for Region’s Vulnerable Children #T2SLive19

Thought leaders from across the UK recently came together to drive change for vulnerable children in the East Midlands. Hosted and funded by CIC Think2Speak at the company's Gainsborough headquarters, stakeholders were invited to discuss, explore and inform Best Practice Guidance to be able to embed practical narratives for the planning and profile-building of vulnerable learners in education.

Lizzie Jordan, Founder and CEO of Think2Speak, said: “As part of our commitment as a social enterprise, we like to give back by using our profits to support those in the communities we work with.

“For this year’s conference, we brought together the innovators and ‘doers’ from across the East Midlands who are able to influence and implement change for the benefit of children and young people across the region.”

The invite-only seminar event was organised by education, mental health, trauma and care specialist Mike Armiger and Think2Speak’s team.

Mike, who delivered a keynote on Trauma Inclusive transition frameworks is a specialist in the field of safeguarding, behaviour, looked after children and young people affected by trauma and mental health issues.

Steve Barnes, Headteacher at Pilgrim School said ‘We’ve spent a great day with Think2Speak in Gainsborough exploring things the emotional literacy that professionals working with children and young people need to understand young people and the impact of the traumas they have faced. Professionals need self-awareness to understand the impact that life might have had upon them – what are our trigger points and stress levels? We do not live in isolated communities separated from young people but in the same environments as them. Therefore, if we can see the consequences of living in weakened and more vulnerable communities on our young people then it is likely that the same stressors will be working on adults and staff too. Leaders will have to lead with emotions in mind. Care needs to be taken with staff and similar approaches for staff will be required. Pupil and staff well-being are inseparable; after all what is good for the goose is also good for the gander.’


Other guests included:

●      Paul Devlin, Chair of LPFT

●      Mary Meredith, Inclusion Manager Lincolnshire County Council

●      Sam Clayton, Principal Social Work Lincolnshire County Council

●      Representatives from schools across the East Midlands including Springwell, Pilgrim School, Coritani and Build A Future

●      Reps from KYRA, Nottinghamshire County Council, Bishop Grosseteste University

To see more about the seminar, follow the #T2SLive19 hashtag on Twitter.


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