Six questions with... Chris Wild

What’s your favourite way to greet people?

Hug for my colleagues, kiss for my loved ones and a hand shake when I'm being professional. 

What conversation makes you happy?

The conversations about young people I've worked with doing great things with their life. And my children. I love life and I'm always happy to talk about success stories.  

What conversation topic makes you nervous?

Gang crime, especially CSE and county lines. When I worked managing care homes for young people I used to get nervous on Monday mornings if a social worker emailed me to say we need to talk about A, B and C.  I knew these emails were always going to lead to bad news. 

I also get nervous when my wife calls me also and starts quizzing me.

What makes you laugh?

Comedy, I can watch hours and hours of the late Actor Robin Williams on YouTube. I also love the Graham Norton show. Dry wit wins everytime.

If you could ask someone, dead or alive, anything - who and what would you ask them?

I wish I could have sat down with Marlon Brando and asked him questions about his process.

But I think my Dad would be the one person I'd most like to sit down with the most.  I'd ask him if he was proud of me . He died when I was 11 and I miss him everyday. 

What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

Settle down and become a father. I was so scared and I've always been haunted by the mistakes of my past. I've done lots of brave things in my life like Boxing professionally, facing my fears, asking for help with mental health issues. I think being brave is subjective. Young people who fight cancer are the bravest people on the planet and I'm always in awe when I read about sick children who fight this deadly illness. 

Chris Wild


Six questions with... Syreeta Challinger


Six questions with... Heidi Fisher