Six questions with... Claire Birkenshaw

Claire Birkenshaw is Think2Speak’s Patron and is also a Lecturer in Childhood and Education at the Carnegie School of Education. Claire is interested in the inclusion of sexual and gender minority people in education and how this intersects with wellbeing and academic outcomes.

What’s your favourite way to greet people?

With a ‘hey’ + name and a hug.

What conversation makes you happy?

Any form of intellectually challenging conversation which covers a wide range of topic areas.

What conversation topic makes you nervous? Ecosystems and future direction of humanity

What makes you laugh?

Multiple things ranging from satire to silliness to surrealism. My all time favourite joke is: How many surrealists does it take to change a lightbulb? Fish.

If you could ask someone, dead or alive, anything - who and what would you ask them?

Donald Trump: Why do you think trans people shouldn’t exist?

What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

Shared the fact I was trans.


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