Six questions with... Dr Will Nutland

What’s your favourite way to greet people?

A confident handshake, or a hand to the heart. A huge warm hug if it's appropriate.

What conversation makes you happy?

Conversations when I hear people making a change in the world or in themselves. I love conversations with people when we scheme, or make plans to shift something we're not happy with. I've had a lot of those conversations recently.

What conversation topic makes you nervous?

Any conversation to do with bureaucracy, finances, budgets or administration. I turn into a bumble-head when an accountant communicates with me. And increasingly, any conversation that might lead to a social invitation: I'm becoming more and more of an introvert.

What makes you laugh?

I have very British humour of a certain generation: my father once slammed his fists on the dinner table and shouted "why is the conversation always about farts and faeces?". I'd add a third 'f' to the list - but let's keep this family friendly. I also some a bunch of "in jokes" with different people I'm close to. I'm always laughing when those jokes or phrases are mentioned (Foxy, Pony, Minge, Damper, Freud, Buggery, Toothy, PD, Battersea Cats' Home, Ana Shoufana, etc).

If you could ask someone, dead or alive, anything - who and what would you ask them?

 I'd ask 4 (or more) men in a hotel dining room in Tangier in 1985 what was really going on, and why they couldn't just live their lives with honesty and integrity. 

What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

There have been three or four times when I've made radical changes in my life, without knowing what might come next, but each time trusting there would be safety nets to catch me. Maybe scary rather than brave. 

About Will

Dr Will Nutland established The Love Tank in March 2018, having been one of the original founders of PrEPster. He has a doctorate in public health, from the London School of Hygiene + Tropical Medicine where he is an Honorary Assistant Professor, teaching in health promotion, and in applied communicable disease control.

Will has been a health promoter for over 25 years, having founded a number of grass-roots organisations, as well as working for a local authority public health department. He has undertaken research + capacity building work across the UK and the rest of Europe, as well as in southern Africa, the Middle East and eastern Europe. Will is a Director of The Love Tank.



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