Six questions with... Mark Walton

Mark established Shared Assets in 2012.  He has over 20 years experience of working with communities on environmental issues and contributes his expertise across the full range of Shared Assets work, including our policy, research, advocacy, and advice and support services.

He has acted as an advisor to Defra, DCLG, and the Canal and River Trust, on issues such as working with civil society, asset transfer, and community engagement. Mark has a BSc in Biological Sciences from Birmingham University, a Diploma in Public Administration from Warwick Business School and is a 2012 Clore Social Fellow.

He lives on a narrowboat and is currently travelling the U.K.’s waterways.

What’s your favourite way to greet people?

Ooooh that depends on our relationship but I use all of these. I’m much more likely to hug you goodbye than hello - unless we are already good friends.

What conversation makes you happy?

What are we going to eat? Where are we going to eat? And pretty much any conversation held over a shared meal.

What conversation topic makes you nervous? Giving and receiving seriously critical feedback. Especially receiving it… Also conversations about money can be tough.

What makes you laugh

My husband, Keith… a lot. Bad punning kids jokes. And goats ... goats make me laugh.

If you could ask someone, dead or alive, anything - who and what would you ask them?

I would like to ask David Bowie how his relationship to / sense of alienation changed over the course of his life. Basically I want him to talk for a long time.

What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

Proposing to Keith. I had to go to the States to do it and I had no idea if he would say yes. We hadn’t dated for 13 years but had remained friends over that time. A week later we were married.


T @markcwalton


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