Six questions with... Rebecca Strickson

Rebecca Strickson works an illustrator and do-er of things, based in Lincolnshire (and occasionally London.) She is the extraordinaire who created our #ThinkPronouns range. Working in illustration and fabric, she combines an intricate aesthetic with an equally detailed choice of subject.

Clients include Royal Mail, Kenco, Sony,, Tate, Glamour UK, Columbia Records, Agent Provocateur, The O2, and Channel 4.

What’s your favourite way to greet people?

I am very tactile and love a hug... though of course only when its appropriate! You'll always get a warm ‘Hi’ from me.

What conversation makes you happy?

I love talking about food! I love to eat and I'm quite a foodie so thats a sure way to pique my attention. I love chatting to people who are amazing at what they do and getting them to explain it. Doesn’t matter whether its pottery, or microbiology - experts are endlessly fascinating.

What conversation topic makes you nervous?

I used to get really uncomfortable talking about money, but not so much anymore. I sometimes find it hard and uncomfortable to talk about how I feel, especially when I'm tired and anxious. I suffer from Generalised Anxiety Disorder and so when the temptation is to go quiet sometimes I know I have to face the fear and get on with things. I’m getting better at it.

What makes you laugh?

Terrible dad jokes, Bob Mortimer, farting. I am pretty basic haha!

If you could ask someone, dead or alive, anything - who and what would you ask them?

Wow, what a question. I have so many really random things I’d love to ask people - but would they answer truthfully? That would be super important. My father passed away in 2010 and when he dies, I found in all of his old diaries and dictionaries, that he had written loads of dates, times and places down. I have no idea what they mean! I would love to be able to ask him about that. He's probably say it was something really boring haha!

What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

That’s so interesting. I think we really struggle with thinking of ourselves as brave. It’s like we feel reserved about considering ourselves anything like brave, or funny, or clever or talented. I think we've been bred to not talk ourselves up and instead that we should be quiet and meek. Well, I’ve been brave I think. 18 months ago I split with my fiancee, lost my home, had to move back to my mums and then had major surgery. I was in agony, had no money, totally isolated from all my friends but I got through it and I not only survived, I pulled my finger out. I could have given up - and I did for a while. It’s ok to do that and I am brave enough to see that sometimes you need to step back and re group ( something we're all doing right now...) But I came back fighting and I am really proud of myself for that. I thought I had lost everything and I kind of did - but I’ve gained so much more. I had to be brave to do that.

Check our Rebecca’s amazing work here

T @beckystrick


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What does that mean?