Six questions with... Servane Mouazan

‘I am a conscious innovation managing director, passionate about co-designing human-centred practices and strategies with the staff and boards of socially conscious and sustainable businesses around the world. I mainly work with women leaders in social and environmental enterprises.’ Servane Mouazan

What’s your favourite way to greet people?

Hello, ça va?

(I always add this “how are you” in French *I was born there. This even became my Capoeira nickname, 22 years ago! )

What conversation makes you happy?

Coaching conversation, that help people come up with their own answers; conversations that are so rich and full of love, people come up with a lot of “aha moments”, insights and energy. Conversation that are encouraging people to act and help themselves and others!

What conversation topic makes you nervous?

Conversations that deal with what you haven’t done something you promised to deliver and because it didn’t happen, someone felt bad or sad or let down in the process.

What makes you laugh?

When people are very quick to answer something on private chats with a very relevant and very funny meme or gif.

If you could ask someone, dead or alive, anything - who and what would you ask them?

My good friend Marcelo Yuka, who was an activist, singer songwriter, music producer and happened to be wheelchair bond for 18 years. I would ask him - again - How did you manage to give so much love and care so much?

What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

Ask a sponsor for money around a coffee for a programme I was creating, supporting women in social businesses. (And give birth to my son…)


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