Six questions with... Susie Green

Susie Green, CEO of Mermaids

Susie first got in touch with Mermaids in 1999, when she needed support for herself and her daughter. She then became a trustee and Chair and has held the position of CEO since January 2016. Over the last 4 years, she has helped the charity to reach out to thousands of children, young people and their families. As someone who has worked in the third sector for twenty years, Susie is committed to ensuring that all children are respected and loved unconditionally.

What’s your favourite way to greet people? 

This depends on the person, as I am by nature a hugger if I know someone well, or have a shared experience. I would be reluctant to go in for a hug with a new person I have never met, but a friendly hello and handshake would be usual in those circumstances.

What conversation makes you happy? 

I know I am a cliché but talking about my kids and my animals makes me happy, and talking about my work, which is very much a passion for me.

What conversation topic makes you nervous? 

Anything that I feel I don’t know enough about makes me nervous. If I am asked about a topic I have no real knowledge of, I try to be honest and not venture an opinion if I don’t know what I am talking about. 

What makes you laugh? 

The day to day of life, the unexpected joy that sometimes just happens. An example of mine is sitting with a group of women my Mum gets together with every Wednesday, and hearing 8 women of age 75 and above discussing sex toys. It was hysterical, and I learnt something too!

If you could ask someone, dead or alive, anything - who and what would you ask them? 

I would ask Rosa Parks what she would say to the young people we are supporting to help make them strong.

What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done? 

Leave my very secure job of 17 years to pursue a dream that could easily backfire.


T @Mermaids_Gender


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