Six questions with... Dr Naomi Sutton

Dr Naomi Sutton is a Consultant Physician in sexual health, passionate about raising awareness of her subject with the aim to help people feel more comfortable with their bodies, their sex life and reduce stigma. She works at Rotherham Hospital and is also the E4's Doctor on the TV series 'The Sex Clinic'.

What’s your favourite way to greet people?

Nothing beats a big smile, although I am definitely a hugger in the right situation. It might get awkward if I tried to hug ALL my patients.

What conversation makes you happy?

Obviously I am happiest talking about sex and all the 'ins and outs' that that brings (wink wink), but what I also love are conversations which allow you to find out what makes that individual you are talking to 'tick'. I find human minds endlessly fascinating and I love a story! I think we can connect, learn and understand someone so much better when we understand their passion, background and experiences. I am always impressed by the resilience humans can show even after going through the most traumatic of times.

Last, but definitely not least, are conversations involving women empowering other women. (need a muscle emoji!!)

What conversation topic makes you nervous?

Statistics, football and anything 'too political'.... I am woefully ill equipped to discuss any of these in detail!! Climate change is another topic which makes me nervous and scared. if I think about it too much I would never get out of bed in the morning.

What makes you laugh?

So many things! I have been told I am easily amused, mostly by silly things and cheeky banter!

The films 'Bridesmaids' and 'Jumanji; The next level' have brought me to tears of laughter (I think I have a secret crush on The Rock)

My feet being tickled, but that is also torture.

If you could ask someone, dead or alive, anything - who and what would you ask them?

If I am allowed to change the question a little, there is something I would love to say something to someone who died before I was even a twinkle in anyones eye.

This someone is my paternal Grandmother Dorothy, who tragically died in a car crash, with my Grandad, when my dad was the tender age of 5 years old. Apparently she was trapped in the car, conscious, for some time before she died. My Dad describes her with such love; nurturing, tactile and creative. I have always thought how awful it must have been for her knowing she was leaving her only child orphaned, worrying what would become of him.

I would love to tell her that despite the trauma of losing her, her beautiful son turned into the most amazing, kind, gentle and inspirational man I am proud to call my Dad. He is, and always will be, my hero.

What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

Definitely filming 'The Sex Clinic' for E4. I was aware putting myself in the public eye on the TV would open myself up for judgement, both good and bad. Doing the programme however has been one of the best things I have ever done. It has taught me to be more confident both as a woman and as a doctor and I have met so many inspirational people (mostly women) because of opportunities which have stemmed from the TV work. I would never have met these people had it not been for putting my big girl pants on and taking a leap of faith!

Follow Naomi @drnaomisutton on Twitter and instagram.

Check out Saving Lives for great resources and information on HIV and STIs

Check out Outspoken Education for great hints and tips for parents on how to talk to their children about sex - this is so so important to reduce shame and stigma about bodies and sex.


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