#T2SLive17 conference receives rapturous response!

Expert speakers came from across the country to share the latest research, resources and practical guidance to teach relationships education and communicate more effectively; in the staffroom, classroom and between school and home at our 2017 annual conference.  Delegates spent the day discussing the importance of improving relationships and communications. 

Andrew Caress, Charlie Waller Memorial Trust provided the opening keynote sharing his personal story of being a teacher and his own mental health. Andrew quoted Eleanor Brown afterwards saying “Rest and self care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel”.

Andrew went on to add 'The conference and the topics being discussed gives professionals time and space to think about how we can best prepare to support the young people in our care. This begins with an open dialogue, self-awareness and positive relationships.'

"It was fantastic to explore relationships education with colleagues from varied schools and settings. Considering how to celebrate difference and to value each person’s unique identity is so important as a part of supporting children’s growth and development. The conference provided a supportive and creative opportunity to explore the issues." Dr Richard Woolley, University of Worcester

"Relationships are the bedrock of human life and children have to negotiate a myriad of complex interpersonal relationships. This conference has supported the opportunity to think about the benefits and challenges of supporting children and young people to manage the different relationships they face, or may face in the future. Well done Think2Speak for bringing us together to do this!" Dr Sacha Mason, Bishop Grosseteste University.

The lively and colourful Nicky Pattinson ended the afternoon plenary saying afterwards that "There are people who read books and think they “know a subject” and there are those who have lived it (and actually do). The speakers of this conference are unusually (if brilliantly) the latter".

The bustling Marketplace also featured over 25 organisations, charities and support service providers - see their details here.

Paid for places at the conference were kindly made possible due to the support of our events partners and sponsors, Bishop Grosseteste University, Wilkin Chapman LLP and Digital4Education.

'Wow! It’s got to be said, well SHOUTED from the roof tops, that the Think2Speak event that I attended in Lincoln yesterday, was the most professional delivery of CPD that I have ever attended on such a grand scale. Perfectly executed with the most amazing speakers who each sent every attendee away with food for thought upon how best to develop best practice within their own genre of professionalism. With this in mind, I have thank you all for imparting and sharing with us, not only your expertise but a part of yourselves too. Thank you.
Oh, and if you didn’t get to make it, then get yourself booked on to the next one! Personally, I can’t wait!' Angela Tuplin, Coritani

'I came to the Think2Speak event yesterday and absolutely loved the day, so inspirational and having speakers who had 'lived' through the experiences they spoke about was truly humbling.' 6th Form Learning Mentor

'Think2Speak's event at BGU in Lincoln yesterday was such an excellent event from both a professional AND personal perspective. I can't think of a time when I enjoyed a CPD course so much and came away with so much NEW insight. It was truly humbling and a privilege to attend and it was FREE, I am extremely grateful to everyone involved in the event. Thank you!' Jessica Mackett

'Really enjoyed yesterday.  It was an excellent event and you should be extremely proud of the day.  It was very well organised, thought provoking and excellent networking. Thank you for the opportunity.' John Ambrose, Complete Careers LLP (Exhibitor)

Event photography with thanks to Adam Winfield at Through The Lens


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